Development Installation

Setup hosts file

add *.localhost in /etc/hosts file or hosts file of your operating system.

Install Prerequisites

  • Docker (to run backing services containers for eventstore and mongo)
  • Docker compose (easy bootstrap of development setup)
  • NVM / NodeJS (use nvm to manage different node versions required)
  • Python and Python Requests (to setup backend apps on first run)
  • VS Code (Editor and NodeJS/TypeScript IDE)

Note: All requirements can run native on Linux, Mac or Windows.

Install NodeJS global commands

# use nvm for better control and secure node environments for users.
# DO NOT USE sudo or root privileges
npm i lerna @angular/cli @nestjs/cli -g

Clone Repository and set working directory

git clone
cd building-blocks

Bootstrap NodeJS package dependencies

rm -fr node_modules && yarn
rm -fr apps/**/node_modules && rm -fr frontends/**/node_modules
yarn --cwd apps/authorization-server
yarn --cwd apps/communication-server
yarn --cwd apps/identity-provider
yarn --cwd apps/infrastructure-console
yarn --cwd frontends/admin-client
yarn --cwd frontends/authorization-client
yarn --cwd frontends/identity-client

Setup Environment Variables

Required environment variables to start backing services in .env file:


For required environment variables, place appropriate .env files under each app's package root

Execute following to copy example env files

cp docker/env-example/backing-services-env .env
cp docker/env-example/authorization-server-env apps/authorization-server/.env
cp docker/env-example/communication-server-env apps/communication-server/.env
cp docker/env-example/identity-provider-env apps/identity-provider/.env
cp docker/env-example/infrastructure-console-env apps/infrastructure-console/.env

Start Backing Services and initialize dbs

docker-compose \
    --project-name bb \
    -f docker/docker-compose-mongo.yml \
    -f docker/docker-compose-events.yml \
    up -d

Wait for mongodb to start

docker logs bb_mongo_1 --follow

Execute following command to set users and dbs

docker exec -it bb_mongo_1 /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

Start apps and frontends

Start Development backend and frontend using following commands

# for packages in apps/ directory,
# execute following command from the app package root
yarn start:debug

# for packages in frontends/ directory,
# execute following command from the frontend package root
yarn start

or use VS Code Setup, refer example

Run development setup script

Execute to initialize administrator user and core trusted clients


  • The password must be at least 10 characters long
  • The password must contain at least one uppercase letter
  • The password must contain at least one number
  • The password must contain at least one special character
  • The password may not contain sequences of three or more repeated characters
  • phone must be MobileE164. (ie. +911234567890)
  • email must be valid email address
./scripts/setup-wizard --help

# Output
Setting Up Authorization Server and Infrastructure Console

Creating Clients
Setup Identity Provider
Setup Communication Server

Update auth server settings for Example Inc.

Visit Admin URL http://admin.localhost:4220
Login using email '' or phone '+919876543210'
Use the password configured during setup wizard, default password Secret@1234

Authorization Server http://accounts.localhost:4210
Communication Server http://connect.localhost:4100
Identity Provider http://myaccount.localhost:4420

All apps dependencies and services are up for debug and development.

Commands for testing

# NestJS unit tests
lerna run test:server

# Drop databases for auth-server e2e
mongo admin -u root -p admin --authenticationDatabase admin
> use test_authorization-server
> db.dropDatabase()
> exit

# Or use command to drop test database
echo -e "use test_authorization-server;\n db.dropDatabase()" | mongo -u root -p admin --authenticationDatabase admin

# NestJS e2e/integration
lerna run test:e2e

# Angular unit tests
export NODE_ENV=test
lerna run test

# Angular e2e
lerna --concurrency 1 run e2e

# Check format
lerna run format:check

# Check Linting
lerna run lint

Commands to format code and lint fixes

# To execute from project root
lerna run format && lerna run lint -- --fix

# OR execute from app or frontend package root
yarn format && yarn lint -- --fix